The Many Faces of Ifonsa

I really like Ifonsa as a character. If one can have a favourite child, then she’s mine. I love her for her attitude, but mostly because of how she has grown from the original concept.
In the primaeval myth, Ifonsa was an ever-dependable stalwart, never one of the stand-out characters like the other original four. She did her part, especially when a fight was in the offing, but she was generally just happy tagging along with the others.
In Coils she is so much more. She has a feisty, and in-your-face, personality, (she takes no nonsense from anyone) which I love writing. However, my favourite part is her backstory (which is completely different from the original). It acts as the focal point for all the characters, and in some cases it helps define them. In a sense, she is the nexus of the group. Even though she appears to remain at the periphery (if not on the outside).
She is a lot of fun and yet remains such a tragic character.