Blog June 2024

For the last 30 days, I’ve been engaged in a communal activity called Blog June. Its purpose is to promote bloggers to post. At least every day, if possible, but it’s not a requirement, just a goal. People are generally time poor and so garnering enough energy to blog can be difficult. Plus, coming up with thirty different ideas for a blog post can be a challenge. But this year, we got there. So here’s the thirtieth post for this June. Hopefully there are many more to come.
Table of Contents
My Blogging Experience
I have been blogging for a very long time (and boy, am I tired *boom* *tish*). I started sometime in the late 90s. However, I can’t remember what I wrote about, so it can’t have been very good.
Sometime around 2001 or so, my wife and I ran an entertainment blog. We did lots of movie reviews, but we also covered many of the productions put on by the community theatres across Perth. One actor I know still includes our review on his CV.
I blogged pretty much continuously from then on, across various platforms and covering many disparate subjects, until early 2014. Then I had medical issues that curtailed not just my blogging, but my life in general. I only started blogging again in late 2022, and even then it was sporadic and tentative.
My Blog June 2024 Recommendations
Not only have I been writing a bunch of blog posts, but I’ve been reading lots too. Many from the people listed in the blogroll on the right-hand sidebar. Some also participated in Blog June. Here are links to some posts that caught my eye (in no particular order):
- Briala’s heartfelt post about grief and loss
- snail’s twin posts about films and film festivals
- Flexnib’s last staff meeting before she retires, and her office setup at home.
- A summary of Kate’s talk about AI and innovation, that she gave at the Front End of Innovation Conference in Boston
- Infoventurer’s highs and lows of Blog June
- The methods Christina uses to keep herself motivated on her self-publishing journey
Blog June 2024 has reawakened the blogging urge within me. Being forced to blog each and every day has proven that I still have the ability to write even when exhausted. I’m currently writing a novel, a screenplay, as well as several short stories. I blog after I’ve completed all my other writing work (plus cooking, shopping, parenting, husbanding, etc). So, that’s why the quality hasn’t been the best, but that will come with time and further practice.
I do plan to continue with a more vigorous blogging routine. Not every day, but certainly several times a week. And next year, I hope I’m able to, once again, participate in Blog June.
I hope you’ll join me.