Singapore’s Airforce Museum

Yesterday, we cycled to the Airforce Museum. Actually, we also cycled there on Monday, but this time it was open. We knew it would be closed on Monday, but because the pool we normally swim at has changed its operating times so it’s also shut on Monday (and every Monday) we chose to journey to the museum in preparation for yesterday’s adventure. Yes, it’s complicated.

What a difference five days make. Monday was stinking hot, and the ride really took it out of us. There are a lot of hills. Friday, the weather was cool (and wet) and came after two days of (what they calle here) a monsoon surge. In other words it rained continuously for those two days. So, the ride was considerably more pleasant.
The museum was fun. As you might expect, there are lots of planes, helicopters, and anti-aircraft weaponry on display. There’s also lots of displays detailing the history of Singapore’s Airforce. There are even a few games the public can play, including a flight simulator. And the best thing is that it’s free (well, all except the flight sim).
I took a few photos. Some are even of the aircraft. But most are of the engines they have on display. I plan to use them as reference photos for some 3D modelling on a project I’m working on.
In any case, we had fun and it was a great day out (despite my eldest falling off his bicycle on the way back. He’s fine).