Category: Books

Books: More treasure than a pirate’s looted booty.

Milardus maps

Creating Maps for Novels: Challenges and Solutions

I like making maps. Maps help ground my work, so I know where everything is. They also allow me to work out how long it takes to travel between places. Or where characters are born and raised and how that affects their world view. However, drawing up a map for readers, well that’s a whole different kettle of fish. I find that incredibly difficult.

Coils of the Serpent has 10k views

Coils of the Serpent – 10k Views

In comparison, it’s not much, but recently my novel Coils of the Serpent crossed the 10,000 views mark on Royal Road. The more popular works receive that many in a day, but it is almost two years to the day since I posted the first chapter there.

A pile of books. I love reading, but I can't when I'm writing.

Writing Without Reading

If you ask any professional writer what’s the best way to improve your own writing, they will nearly always tell you to read. Read as much as you can. Read material outside your usual likes, even outside your comfort zone. Read fiction. Read non-fiction. Read biographies. Read history. Just read. But, what if you can’t read? What if the act of reading interferes with your writing? What do you do?

The Three Body Problem

3 Problems with The Three Body Problem

The Three Body Problem is a deeply-flawed science-fiction novel written by Liu Cixin. It is beset with fundamental (even basic) faults, and yet it continues to be nominated (and even win) awards. My question is: WHY? Here are the three biggest problems with The Three Body Problem.

Terry Bisson, 2009

Vale, Terry Bisson

I did not know Terry Bisson. If fact, I barely recognised his name when I saw John Scalzi’s post about his passing. On a whim, I did a little research. I’m glad I did. I may not have remembered his name, but I loved his work.

The Left Hand of Darkness

Review: The Left Hand of Darkness

It’s been just over two weeks since I finished Ursula Le Guin’s, The Left Hand of Darkness.  I wanted to pen my thoughts on the matter.  I’ll try to keep spoilers to a minimum.  Although the novel is fifty plus years old, it managed to pass unheeded by me until now.

[Updated] The Wasps pulled from Kobo

This morning I woke to find that my children’s book The Wasps had been pulled from the Kobo store.  It’s just one of many books that they have pulled due to censorship issues.  Hopefully it will be returned shortly.  It’s still available on Amazon, Smashwords, iBookstore and Nook. Here is...

The Wasps now available on Nook, Kobo and Smashwords

I’m a little bit late on this news, but my children’s short story The Wasps is no longer an Amazon exclusive.  It’s now also available on Smashwords, Nook and Kobo.  It will soon be available in the Apple store as well. A boy who lives underwater must brave the swarms...