Category: World Building

'Choalú', a portrait by Eris Oakbull (2492AD)

Religion: The Scroll of Decular (of Wúrnúr and Choalú)

Ere even before Thúlornar and her husband, Ghótenór, slept the dreamless sleep, The Onghaor were aware they were being watched from afar.  Beings of light, tall creatures with angular features, observed them whenever they neared the forest.  It is said that sometimes these beings even visited their encampments when The Onghaor were asleep for they left behind their long footprints.

Lera - a portrait of a priestess

Lera: A Portrait of a Priestess

Lera (lIɣa) – meaning lovely. Possibly from the Old Davan verb likkan, meaning to lick. Lera is a conflicted character. She lies on the precipice, between abject failure and monumental success. This often gets in the way of her knowing right from wrong, which in turns causes her great anxiety...

words title

Words: Tæsca

Tæsca is Old Murgaen for place of many shadows.  Orginally referred to the range of  forested hills to the east of Milardus, The name may have had older origins prior to the arrival of the Davan People, perhaps dating from the Onna language.


Religion: The Scroll of Hemalsdour

According to the Scroll of Hemalsdour, it is said that Men lived upon the grass plains for many generations, feeding off the bounty that the Gods had provided, their lives content, their numbers growing.  They roamed widely, for they desired not to settle in one place for there was much...

Murgaen Map

History: The Kingdom of Murgaen

The Kingdom of Murgaen began as an idea, which bloomed into an insurrection and ultimately a reality.  The spark of liberation flared when Goblins began to migrate and conduct raids in the area.  Whereas before the landowners were content with the exploitation of the land and populace, the Goblins posed...