The Terrible Troodon

Boys riding t-rexes while chasing terrible troodons

In 2015, my kids were heavily into both Portal games and dinosaurs. So, I wrote a short story featuring elements of the portal games, a pair of tyrannosaurus rexes (which my kids named), and a heap of terrible troodon. It also starred my kids. They loved it, and it was read and re-read aloud for more than a year.

However, my kids have grown up. The Portal games and dinosaurs are still remembered fondly, but they’re no longer their entire world anymore. It’s the same with my story.

I thought, why not put it up on AO3? It’s technically a piece of Portal fanfic. Someone might read it.

For privacy reasons, I wanted to change the names of the characters. I remembered how the real Christopher Robin hated Winnie the Pooh. So, I let my kids choose the new names for their characters. Then I tweaked the story. It needed a little rewriting. I’ve learnt a lot about writing since. There’s still so much to learn, though.

So, here it is: The Terrible Troodon.

I hope you enjoy it.


I’m skribe. I’m a writer, a film-maker and an actor. While I’m originally from Perth, Australia, I currently reside on a tropical island, the Lion City of Singapore. Fingerprint: 79A1 DC6C D367 8A31 135A 7AFA 940E 4231 D7B9 B15C If you like what you see buy me a coffee.

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